7.2 Linked StructuresSuppose we have a storage class containing a single data field: class ListNode : def __init__(self, data) : self.data = data and we create an instance of the class a = ListNode(11) The result is the creation of the variable What happens if we create two more instances of the class? b = ListNode(52) c = ListNode(18) This results in the creation of two additional variables and objects: Now, suppose we add a second data field to the class ListNode : def __init__(self, data) : self.data = data self.next = None and assume the three objects created earlier were actually created using this class. What affect does this have on the memory diagram above? The three objects from the previous example would now have a second data field initialized with Since the a.next = b This results in object And finally, we can link object b.next = c resulting in a chain of objects, as illustrated below: If we set b = None c = None the two references from The result is a linked structure. The two objects previously pointed to by print(a.data) print(a.next.data) print(a.next.next.data) Question 7.2.1
Given the following linked structure, what would be the result of executing this statement print(a.next.next.next.data) An exception would be raised and the program will abort. The code A linked structure contains a collection of objects called nodes, each of which contains data and at least one reference or link to another node. A linked list is a linked structure in which the nodes are connected in sequence to form a linear list. Figure 7.2.1 provides an example of a linked list consisting of five nodes. The last node in the list, commonly called the tail node, is indicated by a null link reference. Most nodes in the list have no name and are simply referenced via the link field of the preceding node. The first node in the list, known as the head node, must be named or referenced by an external variable as it provides an entry point into the linked list. This variable is commonly known as the head reference. The link fields within the individual nodes are known as internal references because they are internal to the structure. Whereas the head reference is known as an external reference. A linked list can also be empty, which is indicated when the head reference is
A linked list is a data structure that can be used to implement any number of abstract data types. While some languages do provide, as part of their standard library, a generic List ADT implemented using a linked list, we are going to create and work with linked lists directly. Some algorithms and abstract data types can be implemented more efficiently if we have direct access to the individual nodes within the ADT than would be possible if we created a generic linked list class. Question 7.2.2
What would happen if the The list would be destroyed. When the reference to the first node is removed, it will deleted automatically. That in turn results in the second node being destroyed since the link field from the node containing value 2 is removed, and so on, until every node in the list is destroyed. Linked structures are built using fundamental components provided by the programming language, namely reference variables and objects. The linked list is just one of several linked structures that we can create. If more links are added to each node, as illustrated in Figure 7.2.2, we can connect the nodes to form any type of configuration we may need. The tree structure, which organizes the nodes in a hierarchical fashion, is another commonly used linked structure that we explore later in Chapter 14 and Chapter 15. In the next several sections, we explore the construction and management of a singly linked list independent of its use in the implementation of any specific ADT. In later sections we then present examples to show how linked lists can be used to implement abstract data types. We also include a number of exercises to provide practice in the construction and management of linked lists.