7.5 Removing Nodes from a Linked ListAn item can be removed from a linked list by removing or unlinking the node containing that item. Consider the linked list from the previous section and assume we want to remove the node containing 18. First, we must find the node containing the target value and position an external reference variable pointing to it After finding the node, it has to be unlinked from the list, which entails adjusting the link field of the node's predecessor to point to its successor. The node's link field is also cleared by setting it to Accessing the node's successor is very simple using the The result after removing the node containing value 18 is shown below: Removing the first node from the list is a special case since the head pointer references this node. There is no predecessor that has to be relinked, but the head reference must be adjusted to point to the next node, as illustrated below. We now step through the code required for deleting a node from a singly
linked list. The predNode = None curNode = head A loop is used to position the two temporary external reference variables while curNode and curNode.data != target : predNode = curNode curNode = curNode.next As the After positioning the two external references, there are three possible
conditions: (1) the item is not in the list; (2) the item is in the first
node; or (3) the item is somewhere else in the list. If the target is not in
the list, if curNode is not None : # the target was found To determine if the target is in the first node, we can simply compare if curNode is head : head = curNode.next else : predNode.next = curNode.next If the target is elsewhere in the list, we simply adjust the link field of the node referenced by # Given the head reference, remove a target from a linked list. predNode = None curNode = head while curNode and curNode.data != target : predNode = curNode curNode = curNode.next if curNode is not None : if curNode is head : head = curNode.next else : predNode.next = curNode.next Question 7.5.1
Does the code segment above for removing a node from the linked list have a best case? If so, when does the best case occur and when does the worst case occur? Yes. The best case occurs when the head node is removed from the list. The worst case occurs when the last node is removed from the list. Question 7.5.2
What is the worst case time-complexity for removing a node from a linked list?
Select the correct answer below by clicking on the appropriate box.
The worst case occurs when the last node is removed. Since we do not have direct access to that node, the loop must iterate through the entire linked list, once for each node in the list. Assuming the linked list contains n nodes, the worst case time-complexity will be linear or O(n).
Question 7.5.3
What is the best case time-complexity for removing a node from a linked list?
Select the correct answer below by clicking on the appropriate box.
The head node can be removed in constant time since the target will be found immediately and the loop never executes. Unlinking the node only requires constant time.